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Child's Pre-Admission Record


School Decal

 St. James School

Pre-Admission Record Form

This section is to be completed by the child's parent or guardian. This form must be kept in the child's file in the school.


Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Child's namerequired
First Name
Middle (optional)
Last Name
Must contain only letters
Must contain only numbers
Mother's Name (or First Guardian)required
First Name
Middle (optional)
Last Name
Please include street address, city, state and zip.
Father's Name (or 2nd Guardian)required
First Name
Middle (optional)
Last Name
Please include street address, city, state and zip.



Please include street address, city, state and zip.
Please include street address, city, state and zip.
Please include street address, city, state and zip.
Must contain only letters
Must contain only numbers

Emergency Authorization:

By adding my electronic printed signature below, I give permission for the school to obtain emergency medical treatment, including emergency transportation for my child, if I cannot be reached immediately. I agree to be responsible for any emergency medical expenses incurred. (If a parent/guardian refuses to sign, instructions must be added below stating what procedure the school is to follow in an emergency.)

First Name
Last Name
0 / 800


I give my permission for my child to participate in activities away from the school:required
I give my permission for my child to participate in transportation provided by the school:required
I give my permission for my child to participate in swimming/wading activities provided the school:
I wish to have my contact information published in the school directory. (This section is password protected and not available to the general public).
Name of person filling out this formrequired
First Name
Last Name